Find Your Community
USC’s Office of Religious & Spiritual Life sponsors a variety of opportunities for exploring the spiritual dimensions of your life and learning.
We are here for you.
ORSL sponsors campus programs with a moral, religious or spiritual focus. We are here to help you find a religious or spiritual community, or to form a new group. We also provide spiritual care, or can assist you with an ethical dilemma or research a paper topic. Ask us anything, we are happy to help you navigate life’s big questions and small ones too.
With over 90 religious & spiritual groups on campus, there is a community here for you.
Need someone to talk to? Our confidential counselors are here to listen. Whether its an ethical dilemma, a research topic, or an exploration of spiritual questions. Ask us!
From mindfulness and yoga series, to dog parties, vegan meals and sound baths. We’ve got you covered.
Interfaith Engagement
USC has more student religious groups than any other university in the United States
All USC students are invited to attend any or all meetings of the Interfaith Council
Your Well-being Is Important
We have something for every interest.
Yoga USC is a home base for all yoga related activities on the USC campus. It serves as a resource guide for existing departmental classes, an educational tool for greater understanding of yoga’s many benefits, and will ultimately offer specialized classes designed to bring together students, faculty and staff.
Mindful USC is a service from the Provost’s Office with a mission to empower the USC community to make positive change in the world by building a culture of mindfulness and compassion. It offers ongoing training, practice groups and special events throughout USC.
Not quite sure what to do first?
Start here.
Indicate which religious tradition(s) you identify with — and/or which you would like to explore or learn more about. You can expect to hear back from recognized student religious, spiritual and philosophical organizations.