A Spiritual Hub for the Christian Community

In the same vein of Rev. Thomas Kilgore Jr.’s communal ministry and civil rights activism, USC’s Kilgore Chapel is a dedicated Christian space of unity and positive community impact.

Kilgore Chapel is a spiritual hub for the Christian community and offers space for worship, prayer and creativity.  If you have any questions about Kilgore Chapel, please contact USC’s Christian Life Team at chlife@usc.edu.

When can I use Kilgore Chapel?

7am - 12pm
Open Devotional Space

 Please stop by Kilgore for your morning devotional. Short group prayer sessions are also allowed at this time.

12pm - 11pm
Reservable space for Christian fellowships

This time is reserved for USC Christian groups to gather for worship, connection, and spiritual growth. Check the calendar for availability and reserve the chapel using the form below.

Please Note: Must be a USC recognized Christian club to reserve Kilgore Chapel

Rev. Thomas Kilgore Jr.

“He was always on the cutting edge of blending spirituality and community involvement; he knew that to be spiritual meant you had to have a positive impact on making this a better community,” said the Rev. William Epps, who succeeded Kilgore as senior pastor of the Second Baptist Church, the oldest African-American Baptist church in Los Angeles. Kilgore served as pastor of that congregation for 22 years and was a past president of the American Baptist Convention. Kilgore served as an adviser to three USC presidents – Hubbard, Zumberge and Sample. He was active in civil rights work throughout his adult life and maintained a long friendship with the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and his family.
— Obituary 1998