

A multidimensional storytelling event

Thursday, March 1, 2018, 7:00 pm

University Religious Center – Courtyard

Join us for an evening of storytelling, featuring USC students.

Delicious food and beverages will be provided.

Admission is free. All are welcome to attend.


USC students are invited to submit stories in the form of artwork, dance, song, poem, narrative or other creative forms. Stories should somehow tie in the evening’s theme of movement and/or migration. Stories should be original works, or a re-telling of an age-old tale, done so in an original way. Students are invited to draw on their personal experiences, religious worldviews, ethical stances, lived values, sacred texts, family histories or other sources of inspiration, in order to both inform and entertain their audience.

Throughout time the world has seen migrations due to war, famine, economic gain, and domination. Recently, we’ve seen wildfires and mudslides displace families in California, while extreme weather the world over has meant having to re-think where one builds their next home. In the U.S., new restrictions have been imposed as to who may move within and across its borders, and at what times. Movement/Migration is an invitation to reflect on lessons to be learned from recent and historic events, as well as to draw on the stories which have informed our views on these matters.

The top 6 storytellers will share/perform their stories at the University Religious Center on March 1, 7:00 pm. On that evening, a panel of judges will choose one grand prize winner. All creative works shall remain the property of the students. By submitting an entry below, storytellers agree to the terms of this contest.

Grand Prize: $250 Cash

5 Runner-ups: $50  USC Bookstore Giftcard

Deadline for entries is February 7, 2018, midnight.



Movement/Migration was made possible by the following co-sponsors: