Interfaith/Interspiritual/Service Student Organizations
A Community Place
Advisor: Matt Keadle
Website ➜

A Community Place student organization serves the homeless, working poor, seniors and children in the neighborhood by providing healthy bag lunches. The student group packs lunches at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church across the street from USC’s campus at 3651 South Vermont Avenue, 2pm Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Cha No Ya Tea Club
Advisor: Rebecca Corbett
Instagram ➜

Cha No Ya Tea Club makes tea and practice different forms of Japanese tea ceremony! Members learn an entire tea ceremony over the course of the semester. Dues: $50. We meet every week, Fridays 3-5 in URC 202. Instagram:
Heartfulness @ USC
Director: Sreejith Periyadath Prasad Singamsetty
Heartfulness @ USC meditation is a simple, practical way to learn to relax and discover the unlimited resources of the heart. The purpose of this organization is to help students reduce stress and improve focus by offering free Heartfulness meditation sessions to willing participants.
USC has more student religious groups than any other university in the United States, and the Interfaith Council includes students representing the diversity of faiths across campus. All USC students are invited to attend any or all meetings of the Interfaith Council, to learn and share about their faith traditions from each other. The Interfaith Council sponsors events such as Multi-Faith Week, the Prayer Reading-Burning ceremony, SOULJOURN trips to visit faith communities in LA, and the CONOCIMIENTO Alternative Spring Break Trip. It meets weekly on Wednesdays at 7:00PM at URC 202A. Vegetarian meals included! See our
USC Music Meditation Club
Director: Kiran Lekkala
Website ➜

USC Native American Student Assembly (NASA)
Advisor: Karras Wilson (Quechan/Cocopah)
Instagram: @uscnasa
Website ➜

The USC Native American Student Assembly (NASA) offers an opportunity for both indigenous and non-indigenous Trojans and company to connect and empower one another both academically and spiritually. As well as providing a sacred and intellectual community for our members, we are committed to raising awareness of Native American issues on campus, and promoting recruitment of prospective USC students from tribal communities around the country. Among these objectives, members of NASA play an active role in the local Native American community by volunteering for the LAUSD Student Art Exhibit each year, while additionally hosting educational and cultural workshops on the USC campus for nearby families. We also aim to cook Indian tacos whenever possible (if you haven’t tried them, contact us immediately).
SKY at USC: Breathwork and Meditation Club
Directors: Anil Ramakrishna and Nadia Sezeinbaum
SKY at USC: Breathwork and Meditation Club is a student organization of – SKY Campus Happiness – offered on campuses across the nation. We are under the International Association for Human Values, which partners with the Art of Living Foundation. Programs are offered on and off campus designed to bring students from any background, together to decrease stress, anxiety and loneliness, while increasing optimism, social connectedness and empathy. This is done by providing tools and creating awareness on the value of self-care and the mind-body connection. When people come together and get rid of what does not serve us, we can move together to be agents of change from a space of clarity and purpose.
Sky at USC is the student outreach of the Art of Living Foundation and offers programs on and off campus designed to assist students of any religious background to enhance their spiritual, emotional, and physical wellbeing through meditation and other spiritual practices as taught by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, founder.