Dr. McClure earned his bachelor’s degree from the California Institute of Technology in 1959 and his PhD in biophysical chemistry from the University of Washington in 1964. He was a post-doctoral fellow and a beginning member of the faculty at the Rockefeller University, where he studied physical biochemistry and neurochemistry.
In 1968 he moved to the University of Illinois as a member of the Department of Biochemistry, and in 1975 to the Department of Biological Sciences at USC. He was appointed to the Department of Neurology in 1979. Dr. McClure left academic life in 1980 to serve as vice-president for scientific affairs of Nelson Research, a research and development firm engaged in pharmaceutical chemistry. He returned to USC in 1982 as the Director of the Neuroscience Program, and continued in this position until 1989. He has continued as a member of the faculty with his first loves of research, teaching, and working with students. His research interests center upon the biological and chemical aspects of mental illness, especially the schizophrenias. He has published over 150 books, scientific papers, and patents. Dr. McClure has trained over 40 graduate students, who now hold significant positions in both academe and industry. He has won many prizes for teaching and research. In 2003 he was awarded the Presidential Medallion, the highest award given by USC.