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Student Organization Recognition

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Annual recognition as a student religious organization involves the process of both the USC Office of Religious & Spiritual Life (ORSL) and USC Student Affairs - Campus Activities.

How To Gain Recognition

Step 1

One student leader from each student organization must attend one ORSL recognition meeting. Attendance will fulfill your recognition requirement for ORSL.

Fall Recognition Meeting Dates

Step 2

Review guidelines on the Campus Activities website

At least 10 members are required to form a club.

Follow the instructions and submit your application via EngageSC.

Remember, Religious Affiliates cannot serve as your University Advisor, unless they are a USC staff member. Later in the application you can complete information about who your religious affiliates is (such as a Rabbi, Imam, Swami, etc.)

Every group is required to have a constitution. If you were recognized last year, you may use the same one and it is already on file. Here is a sample constitution.

For assistance, please call peer counselors at 213.740.5693