Reverend Caleb Tan
Director of the Amazing Grace Fellowship

Reverend Caleb Tan is the Director of the Amazing Grace Fellowship at University of Southern California.
Reverend Tan graduated from Trinity International University (Deerfield, IL) with a Masters in Divinity (1995) and completed his Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) from St Joseph Medical Center in 2014.
Reverend Caleb Tan loves to work and serve in cross-cultural ministries. Growing up in a multi-cultural country in Singapore, he and his wife went to Liberia, West Africa, to collaborate with the indigenous churches to establish a new church in the poorest area of Monrovia. Upon their return to Singapore during the civil war in Liberia, Reverend Tan and his wife served in their home church, preparing young couples for marriage. The program they used for pre-marital counseling was eventually adopted by the church as a recommended course for couples planning to get married, helping many young couples to cope with the stress of living in a highly pressurized society.
Moving to the US in 2002, Reverend Tan started to learn Mandarin in order to communicate with the international students from China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. He assisted many of the international students to settle down into the new environment and culture. Through this international student ministry, students are provided with opportunities to converse in English, assimilate into the American culture, experience American holidays such as Thanksgiving and Christmas, and visit places of interest in Los Angeles. For those who preparing for marriage, a comprehensive pre-marital counseling program is offered to establish these couples on a foundation of life commitment and happiness.