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Cru is committed to helping students to grow spiritually in an authentic relationship with Jesus. Our vision is to love the USC community & engage it with the gospel so that every Trojan knows someone who truly follows Jesus. We as Cru offer small group Bible studies, prayer times, retreats and conferences, and summer mission opportunities, in addition to the larger Midweek weekly gathering for fellowship and praise!

Also check out these special-focus Cru student groups:

Athletes in Action
The members of Athletes in Action proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to fellow athletes and others involved in sports. They offer spiritual and character development through Bible studies, social gatherings, and community work, and train athletes to minister to those whom they influence – fans, high school students, etc.

Bridges International
Bridges International encourages international students to explore how to have a relationship with God, to grow as Christians through worship and Bible study, to build friendships with other students through trips and weekly meetings, and to reach out to others. Activities are open to all regardless of religious background. We are committed to serving, promoting social connections and engaging in spiritual conversations with international students so that students become leaders internationally.

Greek Life Crossing
Cru’s outreach to the fraternities and sororities at USC.  Contact:

Soon Movement/Korean Campus Crusade for Christ – Cru’s ministry for Korean/Asian-American students.  Contact: Yoojin Chung